Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tech Thursdays-Croc Doc Personal and Leaving Tracks of Your Thinking

This Thursday I want to focus leaving tracks of your thinking.  This skill is taught within the Comprehension Toolkit, but is a skill all good readers should have. Croc Doc Personal is a free tool that lets you upload and comment/annote images, PDFs, and Office Docs.  This tool allows all students to be engaged in the discussion via technology.  Here are a few ways you can use this handy tool.

Implementation Ideas:
  1. Upload a document/article for your class to read and have them comment and reply to each other while reading (leaving tracks of their thinking)
  2. Leave feedback on student work and email them the feedback written on their document
  3. Analyze a photo and leave comments on certain parts of the picture
  4. Upload a math sheet and have students leave comments on how they solved various problems
  5. Have students self reflect on their work first, before you leave them feedback
  6. Have students leave feedback on each others work
Below I have created a video showing how easy it is to use.

1 comment:

  1. I have just realized that when students submit attachments in Edmodo a teacher can open it in Croc Doc and annotate it as well.


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