Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Science of the Olympics Resources

The winter Olympics are in full swing.  I know many of you have been looking for resources to integrate into your classrooms.  I have found two great sites full of resources that I want to share with you.

Science and Engineering of the Olympic Games 2010 and Science and Engineering of the Olympic Games –These sites are part of NBC’s broadcasts on the “Science of Sports”.  The site has videos which explain the science behind various events in the Olympics.  

Pearson Olympic Resources- Pearson also has a great resource filled with lesson plans to accompany various activities in the Olympics.  Currently they have curling, snowboarding, and alpine skiing.  Bobsled will be coming soon.  Visit Pearson OLE to access these resources and more.  

Teaching the Sochi Olympics History, Geography, and Social Studies- A great resource of activities from the New York Times.

Please leave a comment below if you come across other great Olympic resources I can add to my post.  Thanks to Free Tech for Teachers for the ideas!

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